Its October. I was trying to post once a month but I am easily distracted and busy with work and school. This one is a roundup of cool stuff I have been reading, etc. Nothing new from me, I really need to get around to scanning some more artwork. I have been working on the outline/script for Strange Weather because I have pretty much had to redraw the whole thing so far due to rewrites. That is time consuming. I’ve come up with a name for one of the others (The Substance) which I was inking the prelude to last week. The witch house/ fairy story is still nameless as is the 70s scifi pastiche. I am lame.
I watched the Avengers cartoon that came out last year and its wonderful. Its similar to the Bruce Timm Batman series in that it modifies the source material stylistically while retaining the things essential to it. Keeping the heart and soul if you will. One of the ways this was achieved was by keeping the stories straight up kirby. A healthy dose of the theatrical releases and ultimates are thrown in to make things a bit more contmeporary. It’s what I remember Marvel being. It also has an incredibly shitty theme song, something so ubiquitous I would describe it as a trend. Its on netflix streaming or whatever that service is called these days.
I got a bunch of cool indy comics shit in the mail.
Wolves by Becky Cloonan

Wolves mini comic, buttons, bc, bookmark, and postcards
quasi horror comic originally written for a japanese compilation. The story is pretty awesome but i cant really say anything about it without spoiling it really. The comic it self is beautifully printed. There is a lot of really cool design going on here as well. her business card says “comics rules everything around me”. somewhere in that pile it says “life aint nothing but comics and money”. fuck, yeah.
I also got:

Dead Winter Vol. 1, Death Day prologue & book 1, Capacity, and Jan's Atomic Heart.
Dave Shabet’s Dead Winter Vol 1 and buttons, Sam Hiti’s Death day and the prologue, Capacity by theo Ellsworth, and jan’s atomic heart by Simon Roy.
These are comics that are interesting, well written and nice to look at. They are also doing on their own, so despite my empty wallet, I feel it is my duty to support them. Read and buy their books.
More internet comic book awesome ness:
she died in terrebone is a noirish detective story. It’s written byKevin Church and drawn by TJ Kirsch. sex drugs booze more sex murder some more booze. fucking read it already.
Rice Boy by Evan Dahm. all of it is good. and its all interconnected. Tolkein by way of Bodie. Read it: Order of tales, Rice boy and Vattu ( current).
Freakangels has ended and left a freakangel sized hole in my Fridays.
Studio is coherent but still a fucking mess. I started a painting, started being the key word here. no idea where to go with it. I have a stack of drawings i need to scan, my computer sit is still a disaster. I think I am switching to mint. we will see.
I wish I could write reviews for all this shit but frankly I am pressed for time. always. and I think my girlfriend wants to go out. so, good night and go fuck yourself san diego.