

Actually I just got a couple of extra days off. I don’t get vacations, I’m poor and didn’t finish college. But It means that I got the new Deth Bunny Page up! In actuality I took it and split it into three strips. It seems like it might read a little better that way. I will also have the full page up ( and for sale). Today I will finish up I think its page six? and start work on inking a couple more. My lettering is slowly improving. I have about another month of stuff already done and I’ll be making more pages. I think I can average about a page a week. thats my current goal.

I’m contemplating mimicking the format of this. It seems like a pretty smart way to handle webcomic stuff with out getting tied down to a limiting format. I believe the ratios they use also allow them to translate to print with relative ease. And you know ITS A COMIC BOOK A BOUT A HOT STEAM PUNK PIRATE CAPTAIN.

Since I have  a small back log of the Deth Bunny pages, I am going to finish the animated Lessons Learned From Dreams page. I also started on the second LLFD page, also animated, which I expect will take a lot longer as it will be more ambitiously animated. I am going to be taking an animation class this winter which I hope will help speed up the process. My Primary inspiration for this is the quite brilliant MOTH comic and the equally impressive Thunderpaw.

I have to go back to work tomorrow and its weighing heavily on me. I spend almost the entire time working wishing I was drawing. This shizz by Brandon Graham gives me hope. Most shizz by Brandon Graham gives me hope. It’s like how I feel about David Bowie Only with comics.

Here is the full DB page:


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