August’s Monsters: Day 2 & 3


Wicked behind on this. Lost two when my breakers went. This is teh issue with working entirely digital, must save more often. Had a neat idea about making the thumbs the number of the day. In case I didn’t mention it, It’s like this:

One Little Moster per day

30 Days

3 Color Pallete

Digital Only

So I am starting with a random color palette and working directly in photoshop, no initial sketching. Normally I draw just about anything I do physically first, sometimes five or six times. I think I may put time restrictions on them as well, and just post what ever I have at the end of the day, in order to meet the one a day schedule.




Winged SerpentFinished this last night, well worked on it until close to completion. Discovered I made a real bonehead mistake in the initial drawing.  Debating on adding blood spatter behind the body and a coffee wash to the back ground.

Also worked on character studies and thumbs fro “The Hunter”. I have sixteen pages planned out, gonna draw them and then start serializing that as my buffer. going to put together small run minis every sixteen pages. Taking it step by step, reading a ton of shit along the way. I have good idea of how its gonna look and a strong idea of where the story ends up. I hate it when the story just seems to meander and then die ( lost, battlestar, enki bilal). Didnt you know what you were doing before hand? “It sounds cool” doesnt cut it sonny. That being said I have one of those meandering stories that goes no where that I’m using to dump a bunch of ideas, too; I just dont think Im gonna show it to any one.


Day 30 FINI!

Blog, Uncategorized











Well I took me longer than thirty days and I havent really scratched the surface with what I wanted to do with my site, but I am definitely thirty drawings richer than I was. Lessons were learned about working fast and deadlines. I put together a system for getting things done and keeping them organized. All in all it was good experience. Today I am going to paint and draw tattoos until my hands fall off. I am going to (as an experiment) try to put these together into a gallery on a separate page with links back to the pics and posts.


Next on the agenda is a couple fo large paintings ( which should be done by months end) a series of drawings involving tentacles, randomized header art ( hopefully with animation!) and the mythical webcomic. I’m gonna scan some old and odd art work as well.


day 16


day 16 is inspiration. this is a p[in up of brandon graham’s sexica character from his russian werewolf comic “Multiple Warheads”. Brandon is pretty cool comics cat and changed the way I feel about comics and making stuff in general with his very honest very earnest posts on comics and the wonderful books he makes. If my illness was ground zero for me getting back into making art and doing things Brandon graham is one of the people who changed my attitude regarding such.